Caring for Your Flowers

Here are some tips and tricks for keeping your fresh flowers looking their best. Every variety of flower has a different vase life expectancy, but in general you can expect 3-5 days out of your bouquet if you follow these steps!

  1. Ensure that your vase is clean and sanitized. A good rule of thumb is that if you wouldn’t drink out of it your flowers don’t want to either. Leaving bacteria and dirt in the vase can lead to a shortened vase life. 

  2. Give the flowers a fresh cut to allow the flowers to uptake water as easily as possible. 

  3. Remove any extra foliage that falls below the water line. 

  4. Add flower food to the water as desired, but just a teaspoon or so will do it for an average bouquet. No need to pour in the whole packet at once!

  5. Change the vase water every other day. While you are at it, go ahead and give the stems another trim. 

  6. Remove individual flowers from the arrangement as they start to fade. 


Have Fun with Spring Flowers